10. What we can do

10. What we can do

Biodiversity loss is a large and complex problem, and the solution is not in any one person’s hands but requires us all to work together.

In the video we heard the views and ideas of different groups of people on rescuing biodiversity.

The clip comes with subtitles in English. Just click play, select the gear icon on the lower right and select subtitles in English.

Read more about the emotions that environmental change brings out

Read more about the emotions that environmental change can bring out, and how these emotions are linked to action for the environment.

  1. SITRA study ”Ilmastotunteet 2019”
    Original study (pdf in Finnish)

  2. SITRA’s overview on their report ”Ilmastotunteet 2019”.

  3. Should young people feel remorse about climate change?
    Column (in Finnish)

Think for yourself

Should young people feel remorse over climate change?
Where can you find reliable information about environmental change?

Project on environmental feeling and action

What makes people act for the environment?

Environmental change and biodiversity loss bring out different feelings in people, and cause them to behave in very different ways. People also have different abilities to affect change at different stages of their lives and in different positions in society. Study this by asking the same questions of different groups of people.

Conduct a survey among the students in your class, and then again among environmental or climate activists. The easiest way to contact activists is through their organisations –Twitter  is also a good tool for contacting people. You can conduct the survey easily online with a  Google-form. Find out from each group: Do they feel hopeful; how do they affect change in their everyday lives, and through activism; what feelings they have about environmental change; how worried they are; and what helps them feel better.

9. A fragmented world

9. A fragmented world

The fragmentation of species’ habitats into several separate patches makes species’ lives more difficult in many ways. Habitat fragmentation is one of the most important human-caused threats to biodiversity, but many species have also adapted to life in a naturally fragmented habitat.

In the video we learned what fragmentation is and why it is a problem.

The clip comes with subtitles in English. Just click play, select the gear icon on the lower right and select subtitles in English.

Read more about habitat fragmentation

Read more about how climate change can be especially threatening to species living in fragmented habitats.

  1. Research article that shows weather becoming more uniform across Åland, and examines what this might mean for a butterfly species.
    Original articleRead more
    Kahilainen, A. ym. 2018: Metapopulation dynamics in a changing climate: Increasing spatial synchrony in weather conditions drives metapopulation synchrony of a butterfly inhabiting a fragmented landscape. Global Change Biology 24: 4316-4329. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14280.

  2. Messages from islands: Ilkka Hanski’s book about islands and what they have taught us about ecology.
    Hanski, I. 2007. Viestejä saarilta. Miksi luonnon monimuotoisuus hupenee? Gaudeamus. ISBN 978-952-495-026-8.

Find out

The metapopulation game: simulate life in a fragmented population for yourself

The dynamics of fragmented populations can be simulated on a computer, but it’s much more fun to simulate it for yourself in the schoolyard. In the metapopulation game you are either a butterfly who has to move from patch to patch and find a mate who is not too closely related, or a parasitic wasp who tries to catch the butterfly between patches, or a patch controller who keeps the number of butterflies in a patch below the maximum number that will fit on it.

Metapopulation game

This game simulates the workings of a metapopulation, i.e. a set of connected local populations living in a fragmented habitat. The game is inspired by the life of the Glanville fritillary butterfly, which lives in the dry meadows of Åland.


You need a playfield where you can mark the patches: a gravel or dirt surface is best. On a grass field you can mark the patches with ropes, or simply stand closely around the patch controller. In this case you need to clearly mark the patch controller with the maximum number of butterflies that can be in their patch at one time.

Players and assistants

Ideally at least 20 people in total. 5-7 patch controllers, 1-3 predators and/or parasitoid wasps. The rest of the players are butterflies.

Setting up

Course of the game

The game is played by male and female butterflies, and their goal is to maximise their lifetime reproduction, represented by the total of the points on their card. Each butterfly starts with an empty card, with the colour showing its genotype and the shape showing its sex. The game starts with full inbreeding, meaning that each patch only contains a single genotype. Each butterfly can only mate ten times, and crossbred matings are worth more points than inbred matings. However, to achieve a crossbred mating the butterfly has to move to another patch, which has its own risks.

When a male and female are on the same patch and both want to mate together, they are free to mate at any time. To mate, they show their cards to the patch controller, who marks both their cards with mating points: 2 points for crossbred mating (different coloured cards) and 1 point for inbred matings (same coloured cards). The same pair can only mate once, and then at least one of them must change patches before they can mate again. Butterflies that get caught by predators or use up all their ten matings die and move off the playfield. The game continues until all butterflies have either been killed or have mated ten times.

Dispersal and mortality

To achieve crossbreeding, or when a patch goes extinct, butterflies have to move between patches (disperse). This is done by simply running to a free sector in another patch. There are two kinds of danger between the patches: predators and parasitoid wasps. Both try to catch butterflies between patches but are not allowed to enter the patches. Predators kill the butterfly by touching it, which puts them out of the game. The touch of a parasitic wasp means that the wasp gets to cross out the butterfly’s most recent mating points, and one of that butterfly’s ten matings is thus lost. (In nature parasitic wasps lay their eggs in the eggs or larvae of butterflies and kill them.)

Local extinctions

The size of a patch affects the likelihood that it will go entirely extinct. At certain intervals (for instance as many minutes apart as there are sectors in the patch), the patch goes extinct. To show extinction, the patch controller raises their arm, tells all the butterflies to get out of the patch and holds their arm up for 30 seconds. For as long as the arm is raised, the patch is closed to butterflies.

Goal of the game

The winner of the game is the butterfly with the highest mating point total. Try out different strategies (staying put safely and getting low value inbred matings, versus going out for valuable crossbreeding with an increased risk of premature death). Between games you can think up new rules or adjust the sizes and locations of patches, and see how that affects the game. You can also try increasing or reducing predators and local extinctions.

Concepts being demonstrated

 Fragmentation:  patches

Inbreeding and crossbreeding: different coloured cards

Carrying capacity: patch size

Local extinction: patch size and extinction frequency

Maximising lifetime reproductive output: strategies to maximise points gained over the maximum of ten matings

Intraspecific competition: the fewer sectors there are relative to the number of butterflies, the harder it is to find a free sector

Parasitic wasps: loss of mating points

Project on habitat fragmentation

Analyse real data on the Glanville fritillary butterfly

The Glanville fritillary butterfly has been followed in the Åland islands for years, and a great deal of data has been collected. What can you do with all this information? Try it out with your own dataset.

Download the data as an excel file here. It contains data over 15 years from the dry meadows of northern Åland.

The file has a row for each patch. The columns contain the ID of the patch, patch size, connectivity, the number of years when the butterfly was found in that patch, annual numbers of nests, and the total number of nests over 15 years.

Analyse the data using Excel charts.

With an x-y scatter chart you can examine the effects of factors like connectivity or size on the likelihood of butterfly occurrence (number of years) or the total number of nests.

A line graph can help you see, how the number of nests varies from year to year. Do the lines go up and down together? Can you see an overall trend over the 15-year period?

8. Changing nature

8. Changing nature

Nature is dynamic – it has always been changing. Right now, however, ecosystems are changing more rapidly than ever before. Human activity is speeding up environmental change.

In the video we learn why change is so hard to see, and how scientists try to see it nevertheless.

The clip comes with subtitles in English. Just click play, select the gear icon on the lower right and select subtitles in English.

Read more about changing nature

  1. The summer that never came: a complete failure of reproduction in Greenland
    Original articleRead more in Finnish
    Schmidt, N. M., Reneerkens, J., Christensen, J. H., Olesen, M., & Roslin, T. 2019: An ecosystem-wide reproductive failure with more snow in the Arctic. PLoS Biology, 17(10), [e3000392]. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000392

  2. Assessment of threatened habitat types in Finland 2018
    Description of assessmentRed list of habitat types

Find out

Because we live in the midst of constant change, we are in some ways blind to that change. Often we need long-term data to see the change.

How has your local landscape changed?

The Corine data only shows change over the past twenty years. Longer term change can be seen in old aerial photographs. For Helsinki, they are available  here. Aerial photographs from the rest of Finland can be found in  Finna  using the search terms ilmakuva and the place name. Aerial photographs can also purchased from the  National Land Survey of Finland (in Finnish).

Project idea on changing nature

Check the status of your nearest threatened habitat

Some habitat types have been changing more severely than others, and today we assess the threat level of entire habitat types in the same way we assess species. How close to your school can you find a threatened habitat type? How is it doing?

Read about the threatened habitat types here and here.

Find a threatened habitat type near your school.

Information about seminatural grasslands and wooded pastures (”perinnebiotooppi”) can also be found from ELY centers, which are conducting a national inventory (in Finnish). Those of Etelä-Savo can already be found online (in Finnish).

7. Known and unknown nature

7. Known and unknown nature

The Finnish flora and fauna are likely among the best known in the world, but even here we still have a lot of species we don’t know about. With the species we do know, we often have no idea how they are doing. What we know least of all is how species will be doing in the future, as their environment changes.

In the video we learned about how much we know about Finnish species, the value of long-term studies and citizen science, and where the major gaps in our knowledge are.

The clip comes with subtitles in English. Just click play, select the gear icon on the lower right and select subtitles in English.

Read more about the known and unknown

Read more about evaluating the unknown and long-term studies.

  1. The guide used to make Finnish evaluations of extinction risk.

    Link to the guide in Finnish, with English summary (see especially parts 5 and 6. Examples in annex 7) 
    Press release on the publication of the 2018 Red List

    Liukko, U-M. ym.2017. 2000. Opas eliölajien uhanalaisuuden arviointiin. Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja 1/2017. Valtioneuvoston kanslia, 16.1.2017.

  2. Researcher’s essay in Finnish on the experience of discovering a new species of lichen in Finland


  3. Results of long-term survey of Finnish bird species (in Finnish).

    Original article

    Väisänen, R. A., Lehikoinen, A. & Sirkiä, P. 2018: Suomen pesivän maalinnuston kannanvaihtelut 1975–2017. – Linnut-vuosikirja 2017: 16–31.

  4. Citizen science research that finds the one agri-environment scheme that actually helps bird species in agricultural landscapes

    Original articleNews article

    Santangeli A, Lehikoinen A, Lindholm T, Herzon I ,2019. Organic animal farms increase farmland bird abundance in the Boreal region. PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216009. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216009

  5. Maria Hällfors’ presentation at Think Corner on the importance of the Spring Survey for her research

    YouTube video

Find out

Why do we know so little about how species are doing?

Study the Red list assessments, and find out:

Project on unknown nature

Take part in the Spring Survey

The Spring Survey collects especially important information, because it has been following the same species for decades. The progress of spring in nature is an interesting object of study, because climate change is expected to be seen especially in a change of the timing of spring events. Take part here (in Finnish).

Chart the unknown

In the service, look for areas near your school where there are no nature observations yet. In the Place menu, type in a place name to see the exact locations of observations in the Map tab.

Go out and fill in the blanks on the map, adding them through the Vihko –service. Use the mobile form on your smartphone to easily include a photo and exact location data.

Some identification guides are found here:

Your class can also take part in the collection competition (in Finnish)

6. The biodiversity of dung beetles

6. The biodiversity of dung beetles

Dung beetles provide a window into biodiversity, while also clearly demonstrating the connection between the diversity of nature and its functioning.

In the video we learned about the diversity of dung beetles, why they are so diverse, and what they do in nature. We also wake up to the fact that without dung beetles the world would simply be browner.

Read more in scientific articles

Read more in scientific articles that reveal the importance of dung beetles in nature.

  1. National experiment performed by 4H youth, revealing the part that dung beetles play in removing dung from Finnish pastures.
    Original articleSummary
    Kaartinen, R., Hardwick, B. & Roslin, T. 2013. Using citizen scientists to measure an ecosystem service nationwide. Ecology 94: 2645-2652.

  2. Review article on the ecosystem services provided by dung beetles.
    Original article • Article in ResearchGate
    Nichols, E., Spector, S., Louzada, J., Larsen, T., Amezquita, S., Favila, M. E., & Network, T. S. R. (2008). Ecological functions and ecosystem services provided by Scarabaeinae dung beetles. Biological conservation, 141(6), 1461-1474.

Find out

There are as many dung beetle species in the world as there are bird species: about 10 000 of each. This means that there are as many dung beetle species living on other species’ feces as there are bird species living in the whole world. Even Finland has a rich dung beetle fauna – though much less species rich than in the rest of the world.

The number of species found in Finland is affected by two global-level rules: first, that the smaller the surface area, the fewer species (see video 3: Crash course in biodiversity science). Second, in most species groups the number of species gets smaller the further you get from the Equator. Third: Finland is a young region: Just 13 000 years ago our whole country was covered in ice.

But how many dung beetle species does all this come to? Find out for yourself, how these basic rules are reflected in the Finnish dung beetle fauna, and how these Finnish species are doing.

How many dung beetle species can you expect to find in an area the size of Finland?

In species communities all over the world we see a simple rule: the larger the surface area, the more species. The growth does not continue infinitely, but levels off according to this formula: S=CAz Here S is the number of species, C is a constant, A is the surface area and z is a parameter whose value varies between 0.15 and 0.4. Find out the land surface areas of the whole world and Finland. If the whole world has 10 000 species of dung beetles, how many dung beetle species should there be in Finland? Let’s set the value of z at 0.3. The constant C is the number of species that is found in a surface area of 1. You can solve for C by putting the global number of dung beetle species and the world land surface area in the formula above. Remember to use the same unit of surface area in all your calculations (square kilometres recommended).

How many dung beetle species actually live in Finland?
  •  how many dung beetle species have been found in Finland. Is it more or less than what you expected? If did the calculation above, compare the known number of species to the simplified prediction from theoretical ecology, and try to think of reasons for the discrepancy.
  • How are Finnish dung beetle species doing? Threat level estimates are made regularly for Finnish species according to the instructions of the IUCN, the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Species are categorized according to their extinction risk level. The general criteria are population size and its reduction or fragmentation, as well as the size and continuity of the specie’s range. The most recent red list is found in (tip: type ”lantiainen”, ”sittiäinen” or ”sontiainen” in the search box). Find out how many dung beetle species are endangered in Finland, and try to find out why they are in trouble.

Do your own dung beetle experiment

Here you get to repeat the experiment where Finnish researchers and youths found out what part different invertebrate species play in removing dung from Finnish pastures. The same experiment can also be done using e.g. mushrooms. Simply replace the dung pat with mushrooms of a selected species and exclude insects just as the instructions describe. Regardless of whether you used dung or mushroom, your experiment will show how different sized invertebrates drive the decomposition of organic material and the cycling of nutrients.

In this project
  • Conduct your own experiment, where you apply the basic research concepts of experimental treatments and replicates.
  • Use the scientific method to find out what role dung beetles play.

The original instructions of the dung beetle project are here. (In Finnish)

5. The hidden biodiversity of microbes

5. The hidden biodiversity of microbes

The more we study the biodiversity of microbes, the more diversity we find and the more important it turns out to be. Microbes are difficult to study because they are invisible to the naked eye, but in recent years technological advances have revolutionised our understanding of microbes.

In the video we learned about the current state of knowledge about the diversity and important of microbes, new scientific methods, and the way microbes have been studied in Finnish nature.

The clip comes with subtitles in English. Just click play, select the gear icon on the lower right and select subtitles in English.

Read more about the biodiversity of microbes

Read more about Finnish scientific studies that shed light on the diversity of microbes in nature and its importance for humans.

  1. Diversity of viruses of Plantago in Åland islands.
    Orignal articleYle news article on the research (in Finnish)
    Susi H, Filloux D, Frilander MJ, Roumagnac P, Laine A. 2019. Diverse and variable virus communities in wild plant populations revealed by metagenomic tools. PeerJ 7:e6140 DOI:10.7717/peerj.6140

  2. Skin microbiota differs in children and teenagers between rural and urban environments
    Original articleYle news article on the research (in Finnish)
    Lehtimäki, J., ym. 2017. Patterns in the skin microbiota differ in children and teenagers between rural and urban environments. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 45651. DOI:10.1038/srep45651

Find out

Micorbes are difficult to see, and the most modern methods that scientists use to see them are so far only available to professional laboratories. But good oll petri dish culturing is still a good way to see microbes. To see the how microbe communities work, we can use computer simulations.

How fast do bacteria reproduce?

The speed at which bacteria reproduce is due to their ability to divide. One cell divides into two, which divide into four and so on. This is called exponential growth. Imagine that a single bacterial cell is transferred from your phone screen to your finger, and from there to your nose. The nose is a perfect environment. Now the cell divides every 20 minutes. How many bacteria are there in your nose 24 hours later? How long does it take to get to a million bacteria?

Culture microbes in a petri dish

You will need petri dishes, which schools can purchase in bulk. The petri dish contains a solid growth medium that is suitable for a lot of different bacteria. In every experiment you will add something to the dish, then replace the lid and incubate the dishes upside down for a few days at +37 degrees Celsius (or as close to that as possible).

Plant disease herbarium

Put together a herbarium (a collection of plant samples), focusing on plants that are showing symptoms of plant diseases. When collecting samples, keep a log of the places and dates of collection. Examples of plant disease symptoms can be found e.g. here ja here. Look up some photos before you go out collecting, so you have some idea of what you are looking for.

Typical symptoms of fungus infections in plants are growths on the plant surface, colour changes and deformities. Recognising plant diseases is not easy because deformities and colour changes can also be caused by a lack of nutrients – don’t worry if some of those end up in you collection, too. Don’t be afraid to collect samples that you don’t recognize – maybe someone else will identify them later!

What did you notice in making the collection? Did you find diseases in particular places? Was there a difference between different diseases – are some diseases on almost every plant and others only here and there?

4. Who studies biodiversity?

4. Who studies biodiversity?

Professional biodiversity scientists conduct research, write articles, collaborate, publicise their findings, and much more. But regular citizens are also important collectors of biodiversity data.

In the video we meet the scientists at the Research Centre for Ecological Change.

The clip comes with subtitles in English. Just click play, select the gear icon on the lower right and select subtitles in English.

Find out

Along with professional researchers, regular citizens also play an important role in biodiversity research. How many observations do people other than professional researchers contribute? Are there problems with citizen observations, and how could the observations be improved? Find out by using the -service from the Finnish Natural History Museum.

What kinds of observations are citizens contributing?

How to make citizen science observations better

Using citizen science observations in research is challenging, because the likelihood that a species gets observed is affected by many factors that are hard to evaluate after the fact. These factors could skew results a great deal. Neigbouring cities might show completely different observations just because the hobbyists that happen to live in each one are interested in different species. Most observations are made close to inhabited areas and along roads, even though a lot of species are more likely to live in uninhabited areas.

Considering these challenges, design your own nature survey, where the results would be as useful as possible for research.

When you have put your own survey plan together, check out the citizen science projects below and consider what problems there might be in interpreting their results, despite having been designed by professional researchers.

Tweet a scientist

Read newspapers to find stories, where scientists are interviewed. What kinds of questions are they asked? Try to contact the scientist through email or Twitter.

Ask the scientist

3. Crash course in biodiversity science

3. Crash course in biodiversity science

How do we study biodiversity? How do we produce reliable and relevant new information?

In the video we learned about the scientific method and why it is so effective.

The clip comes with subtitles in English. Just click play, select the gear icon on the lower right and select subtitles in English.

Read more about how we study biodiversity

  1. Graduate thesis about the effects of the pollinator community on the seed production of mountain avens (in Finnish)

    Link to master thesis

    Tiusanen, M. 2015: Pölyttäjäyhteisön vaikutus lapinvuokon siementuotantoon. Pro gradu, Bio- ja ympäristötieteellinen tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto.

Find out

The scientific method really is the framework that guides research. It can be hard to see the steps of the scientific method in research articles, because in articles we have to condense and rearrange the text according to the publisher’s requirements.

The scientific method in a Master’s thesis
Mikko studied the same ecosystem again in his PhD.

One of the articles in his PhD was cited especially often in other publications. Here is a list of articles that cited Mikko’s work.

Project ideas on biodiversity

Apply the scientific method to your own research. You could for instance use the example from the video about birds and areas, or come up with your own research project.

The steps of the scientific method are

Factors affecting biodiversity are often studied for instance by measuring biodiversity in different kinds of environments and seeing, if the conditions are correlated with the level of biodiversity. It is important to measure diversity in exactly the same way in each environment.

2. What is biodiversity good for?

2. What is biodiversity good for?

So what if species go extinct, genetic variation decreases and diverse ecosystems are turned into fields and heavily managed forests? Why do we need to save forty different species of dung beetle and dozens of different kinds of habitats?

In the video we learned about the variety of tasks that different species perform, and why it is not enough to have one species for each task.

Read more about the importance of biodiversity

Read more in scientific articles from the last couple of decades that examine the consequences biodiversity loss has for humans.

  1. Article from the year 2000 giving an overview of global biodiversity loss due to human activity.
    Original articleArticle on ResearchGate
    Chapin III, F., Zavaleta, E., Eviner, V. et al. 2000: Consequences of changing biodiversity. Nature 405, 234–242. DOI:10.1038/35012241

  2. Article from 2012 reviewing the state of research on the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and ecosystem services.
    Original articleArticle on ResearchGate
    Cardinale, B., Duffy, J., Gonzalez, A. et al. 2012: Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity. Nature 486, 59–67 DOI:10.1038/nature11148

  3. Article from 2019, where scientists construct mathematical models to determine where in the world people get the most benefit from ecosystem services.
    Original articleArticle on ResearchGateYouTube summary
    Chaplin-Kramer, R. ym. 2019: Global modeling of nature’s contributions to people. Science Vol. 366, Issue 6462, pp. 255-258, DOI: 10.1126/science.aaw3372

  4. Information on the most important ecosystem services in Finland

Find out

When we protect ecosystems, we have to make choices based on values. Protecting one service can be so expensive that it takes away from our ability to protect some other service. How, then, do we place a value on each service? How can we calculate their economic value, and should we include non-economic values in our decision making? How can we compare different kinds of values?

Which ecosystem services are most important?

Read about Finnish ecosystem services here

Ecosystem services for breakfast

Conduct your own decomposition experiment over the summer holidays

How does biodiversity affect decomposition? Try it out yourself by burying tea bags in different environments. Leave the teabags in the ground for three months, then dig them up, dry them and weigh them. Can you see differences between environments?

Bury the teabags in environments that are as different from each other as possible.

The spots should not be too shady, because the ground temperature affects decomposition a lot. Find spots e.g. on the edge of a forest, on the edge of a field, a park, the schoolyard and next to a city street.

At each spot you choose:

Teatime4science is a project, where school children around the world all do the same experiment. You can also take part in this world-wide project and be a part of real research! They have more detailed instructions on their website..

1. What is biodiversity?

1. What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is a major topic right now, not just because of the threats it faces, but also because we now understand better than ever just how little we in fact know about it.

In the video, we learn about the definitions of biodiversity and the scale of diversity in different groups of organisms.

Read more in scientific articles

Read more in scientific articles where researchers have tried to estimate the number of species we still don’t know about.

  1. How many species are there on Earth and in the ocean?
    Original article
    Mora, C., Tittensor, D. P., Adl, S., Simpson, A. G. B. & Worm, B. 2011: How many species are there on Earth and in the ocean? PLoS Biology 9(8): e1001127. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1001127.

  2. How many tons of each organism group are there on Earth?
    Original article
    Bar-On, Y. M., Phillips, R. & Milo, R. 2018. The biomass distribution on Earth. PNAS 115(25): 6506-6511. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1711842115

  3. A study that counted the number of arthropod species in one rainforest.
    Original articleArticle on ResearchGate
    Basset, Y., ym. 2012: Arthropod diversity in a tropical forest. Science 338(6113): 1481-1484. DOI: 10.1126/science.1226727.

Find out

How many species are there? Why can we still not answer this question precisely? Find out for yourself. When we talk about biodiversity, we usually mean the number of species. Yet diversity of habitats and the genetic diversity within species are also important dimensions of biodiversity.

How long do you have to look to find all the species?

Look at Figure 1 in the  Mora et al. article, where the horizontal axis represents time and the vertical axis the number of species groups known at the particular point in time. The lines in the graphs curve, because the longer we have already spent finding out the number of species groups, the more slowly we find new species. In principle if you look long enough, you will eventually find all the species groups. As the line curves and becomes more and more horizontal, you can make a good estimate of the eventual number species you would find.

Try this yourselves in groups of 3-8 people:
  • Decide what you will count: plant species, bird species or different types of rubbish. Decide the limits of your small search area. With a little creativity you can do this in the classroom, for instance by counting different coloured pens in the students’ desks.
  • Choose one person as the timer. They will need a watch, a pen and a piece of graph paper.
  • Choose one person as the classifier, who will need pen and paper.
  • The others begin searching the area. Stay within hearing distance of each other. The searchers shout out what they find to the classifier, who classifies the observations as they see fit and keeps a tally of the different species / rubbish types / colours.
  • Every five minutes the timer asks the classifier how many species have been found so far, and records the answer.
  • At the end, after for instance half an hour, draw the timer’s list as a graph like the ones in the article. Start by finding the largest, i.e. the final tally, round it up and set the top end of the vertical axis to that number. Draw the observations as dots on the graph, and connect the dots with a line.

Does your line curve? Does it curve enough for you to estimate, what the actual number of species in the area might be?

How did the classification go – did you disagree? Biologists sometimes disagree a great deal about how to classify individuals into different species.

Project ideas in biodiversity

1. How can we know what we do not know?

Search the internet for different estimates of how many species are still to be found on Earth. How were the estimates made? How can we know what we do not know?

2. Genetic diversity within species

While species number are talked about the most, genetic diversity within species is also important. Go to the grocery store and photograph different kinds of tomatoes, chilies, apples etc., and to the park to photograph different dog breeds or different coloured pigeons. Make photo collages. Make another trip to a natural environment, and make a separate collage of the genetic diversity you find there. Examples are harder to find in nature, but try something like measuring the flowers on individual plants. When the season is changing, you can find differences in when individual trees come into leaf or turn yellow. If you have snails in your garden, their shells can have a lot of variety. Take a look at the diversity you find in species bred by humans and species found in nature. Why is it harder to find variation in nature? What do you think could be useful about having lots of variation between individuals within a species?